Model: 1115-W

Wireless Temperature Sensor and Flood Detector

The 1115 Wireless Temperature Sensor and Flood Detector is designed to protect against major temperature fluctuations and flood conditions. The 1115 has an internal temperature sensor that can be set to detect cold, hot, or warm temperature ranges. To monitor refrigerated or freezing temperatures, the 1115 must be paired with the T280R temperature probe. To monitor flood situations, the 1115 must be paired with the 470LS. The 1115 comes with: 1115 PCB in a 2 part housing, one 3V lithium CR123A battery, one 2M EOL resistor, and mounting screws. T280R and 470LS must be purchased separately.

For use with: 1100 Series Wireless and XTL, XT and XR Series panels

